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Midwest ZNA is proud to announce its
Fifth Annual Educational Seminar
Date: Saturday, February 12th
Presenter: Joel Burkhard, owner of Pan Intercorp in Seattle
Time: 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Place: Barber and Oberwortmann Horticultural Center
227 N. Gougar Rd. (5 minutes from Interstate-80)
Joliet, Illinois
Menu: BBQ beef, fried chicken, cole slaw, corn on the cob,
baked beans, homemade potato salad, apple slices or
truffle brownies and soda.
Cost: $12 per person
Who's Invited: Anyone who'd like to attend
Joel Burkhard,
owner of Pan Intercorp, was born in, of all places, Highland Park, IL. When his
father, a WWII veteran who served first in Europe and then in Japan as part of
the occupation force, was later offered an assignment in Japan with Caterpillar
Corporation, he accepted. Joel spent the next thirty years of his life in Asia,
twenty of them in Japan where he became fluent in the language. After returning
to the U.S. and starting a business, he got involved in the importaion and sale
of koi through his company, Pan Intercorp. This was in 1987, and the odds are
that if you're a koi keeper, you've probably had a fish in your pond that came
out of his facility. Personally, I can recall quite a few.
He was
introduced to the Sakais of Hiroshima and was later given the honor of training
the youngest member of their family, Kentaro, who spent two years learning
English and the American side of the koi biz. A few years later, he was again
honored by being asked to train Takahiro Omosako, the youngest son of the famous
shiro utsuri breeder. He stayed on for four years while his older brother was
being trained at the Dainichi koi facility in Niigata, Japan.
I've had occasion to see Joel speak in Japan and he's the only gaijin I've ever
seen who was able to get the normally staid Japanese to belly laugh. He's not
only extremely knowledgeable, he's very witty and entertaining. If you're a
reader of KOI USA, you may recall the series of articles he did on tategoi.
These informative stories showed the photographic development of a particular
koi from one year of age to maturity. These articles were invaluable tools in
learning how to select and buy small fish. This is Joel's first visit to the
Midwest and we're very fortunate to have him as our speaker!
THE VENUE: Last summer a few of us visited the Horticultural Center to
check out the pond that was being installed there by the Kane Brothers. Based
on the design that they featured at the 2001 Flower and Garden Show at Navy
Pier, the pond is now up and running, complete with 8 foot waterfall. There are
three beautifully renovated greenhouses in all, one featuring displays that
change monthly, another with the pond, and a third that focuses on desert
flora. We rented this site at the urging of members who wanted a site that
offerred alternative activities for their spouses, so feel free to bring your
significant other.
$$$$$: In the past we've always had to charge a fee for these seminars
that went beyond the price of food because the treasury lacked the funds to
cover the expenses of airfare, lodging, site rental, etc. We're finally solvent
enough to not have to do this, so please come and enjoy the fruits of our
labors. Again, the only charge will be for food expenses.
Therefore, PLEASE RSVP as soon as possible by email or snail mail. If you plan
to attend but not eat, that's fine as well - just indicate your plans in your
response. If you have friends who belong to another club
or who would simply be intereste in attending, have them get back to me or ask
them to submit the attached form to John Suich, treasurer.
DIRECTIONS: For those of you coming from Indiana, take I-80 to the
Route 30 exit. You'll pass exits for Harlem and La Grange Rd. on the way. At
the base of the ramp, turn left towards Joliet. Go roughly 3/4 of a mile to
Gougar Rd., turn right (north) and go 1/2 mile to the Horticultural Center,
which will be on your left.
By the way, all three of the officers who were up for re-election retained their
seats. Koi person of the year was won by Mike Weynschenk.
See you in a few weeks,
Name(s) of guest(s): _________________________________________________ lunch?
_________________________________________________ lunch? Y/N_________
_________________________________________________ lunch? Y/N_________
Amount Enclosed $__________
Mail to: John Suich
1026 Colonial Court
Naperville, IL 60540